The Parliamentary Caucus on Women (PCW) on the 7th May 2024 was in Lentsweletau to continue their National Prayers against social ills and outreach on women empowerment programmes as well as to pray for this year's General Elections.

The purpose of this activity as articulated by the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Caucus on Women, Honourable Nnaniki W. Makwinja is to; create awareness on social ills tormenting the nation such as gender based violence, drugs and substance abuse, social Immorality and to empower women on issues of gender, inclusion, government empowerment programmes and political empowerment.

Honourable Makwinja indicated that the Parliamentary Caucus on Women Committee visited to Lentsweletau with the aim of bringing information and Government empowerment programmes to the people of Lentsweletau.

She shared that the role of the PCW select committee as per Standing Order 108 is to; promote adequate representation of women in all elective bodies and decision making positions; examine measures taken by government and other agencies to educate the public on all laws, policies and programmes affecting women; and to examine measures adopted by Government in relation to the development of women and their empowerment.

Other stakeholders at the event included; National Gender Commission, CEDA and LEA who shared on the new economic empowerment programme termed Chemachema, Ministry of Agriculture who presented on Thuo and Temo Letlotlo programmes, Kweneng District Council, Botswana Police Services, as well as the Ministers' Fraternal who led the National Prayer session.


